The following safety tips are a part of an ongoing series we will be posting to help new and experienced drivers be safe on the roads.
1. Always Stay Alert – When you’re paying attention to the drivers around you, you can be prepared for any unexptected actions they may take.
2. Wear Your Seat Belt – Be sure to always wear your seatbelt, it is not only the safest way to drive because it will reduce the chances of you being injured during an accident but you can be fined for not wearing one.
3. Don’t Text and Drive – It has been proven time and time again that drivers are six times more likely to get in an accident while distracted by sending or reading text messages.
4. Obey Posted Speed Limits – It is very important to drive at the posted speed limits. They are in place for both the safety of the driver as well as other motorists. The speeds are determined by the NTHS and are used to maximize the safety of everyone on and around the roads.
5. Follow Traffic Signals – You want to be sure you are always aware of any signs and traffic lights in the area. They are in place to give you direction and keep you safe.