A lot of people only really have the possibility of switching insurance from their current provider whenever they go out and buy a new vehicle. However, for those who are just trying to lower their rates, they have the potential to shop around as well, it is their duty as smart shoppers to do so. It is something worth considering that you don’t have to switch providers entirely in order to get a lower premium. Here are some ways of getting lower premiums at your current Auto Insurance provider.
1. Usage-based Coverage
Driving less will equal less risk of getting into an accident. This means that it will be cheaper for us to insure you because the vehicle will be less of a risk to us, which allows us to give you a cheaper rate. This is why it is important to your mileage to us.
2. Raise your deductible.
Buying collision and comprehensive coverage is always a good thing to get for your vehicle. However, this is expensive. A way to combat this is by raising your deductible, which is essentially the amount of damage that has to be done to the vehicle monetarily for us to cover for it. Don’t get it mistaken, because on liability insurance there is no deductible for your vehicle should you get into an accident.
3. Get insured based on your driving.
You can get insured based on your driving by having a black box fitted inside your vehicle. This will monitor your driving habits and we can adjust our rates sometimes dramatically based on this because the black box is essentially recording data so we can better evaluate you as an accident risk.
4. Paying Annually
Paying your insurance for the longer term, ahead of time will lower your insurance. Many insurers will offer discounts as well if you pay online.
5. Pay more voluntarily
When you apply for a claim, you typically must pay a voluntary excess. Doing this can most likely result in a lower premium for you. The only condition here is that you have to be able to afford the excess before you make the claim.