You’ve reached the age where you may be taking out student loans, buying or renting a place to live, having kids and, ultimately, purchasing insurance. These major life events for millennials make it extremely important to have a financial security net. And that’s exactly what insurance is: a financial security net.
There are a number of reasons why people of all ages avoid purchasing insurance. It is often seen as a big investment, but that does not always mean that it is an expensive one. Insurance probably costs less than you might think. And many people your age overestimate the cost of renters insurance by as much as 5x the actual amount. If you are in the market for new insurance let our team help. Take a look below at our 5 quick tips for buying insurance.
Look For Discounts: There are a number of discounts available under any insurance that you should be looking to take advantage of. Discounts for good grades, good driving, being married, being over a certain age, and many more are available from many insurance companies. Be sure to ask your agent about any available discounts when discussing your insurance.
Shop Smart: When looking for insurance your main priority should be to cover only what you actually need to cover. Pricing is important, but you will want to determine what coverage you need first. You may be tempted to choose the insurance with the lowest price tag, but if you don’t have enough coverage you will see less financial benefit when it comes time to file a claim.
Fill In The Gaps: An average policy will cover the basics, but you may need to add extra coverage to meet your unique needs. For instance, you may have items like electronics or a nice piece of jewelry that would be financially difficult to replace, even with the assistance of your average renters or homeowners policy. You may want to add additional coverage for these items.
Purchase Life Insurance: Life insurance is essential, no matter how young or old you are. Especially if you are in a long term relationship or are married. Having life insurance can help your loved ones cover bills and unexpected cost that may be left behind in your absence. And if you have kids, a life insurance policy can also support their education or childcare expenses. Additionally, every millennial should consider long-term disability coverage, which helps you stay afloat financially if an accident happens and you become disabled and unable to work.
Talk To One Of Our Agents: Our agents can help you find the perfect coverage and pricing options for your insurance needs. If you have questions regarding any particular type of insurance we would be more than willing to have a discussion with you about your options.